Power of Forgiveness

There is a healing power for you in forgiveness that many people do not really understand. More and more studies are proving that negative energy has everything to do with illness, disease and especially the amount of happiness you have. An actual statement I read was: “‘Unforgiveness’ is the most prolific cause of disease.” Think about. How many angry people are happy, even when they’re not obviously angry? And, why are most people angry? Simply put: someone or thing has not gone their way. Perhaps they have a run-away ego – always must be right or agreed with, etc. But egos can be trained – with love, of course. Most of these negative egos are full of fear, and #1 rule is: Love is the only thing stronger than fear. So, before you can start a forgiveness process, you need to examine how full of fear your ego is. Simplest question would be: How happy are you? If dissatisfaction is part of your daily make-up, then you are probably carrying a heavy degree of fear. Don’t get distracted here as to what all you are afraid of, just start doing a process of declaring a blanket-cover-all of accepting that you are loved unconditionally by God/Source, because you are. It may take a while to totally accept this, most of us are not at 100% with this. I’m a work in process!

A ‘healthy’ ego is one that can openly give and receive forgiveness, because it knows it’s totally supported by unlimited Unconditional Love. So, this unlimited love can be given to ALL. Even given to those, that people may have believed prior ‘done them wrong.’ Now, ask yourself this question: Which would you rather have happiness or anger? Which would you rather have Freedom or fear? It is that simple, though it is not that easy, because we are creatures of habit. Some people think if they ‘forgive’ someone, then that person is winning and they are losing. Really, being filled with anger and fear is Winning?! Does the word ‘stupid’ come to mind? Yes, a ‘healthy’ ego is also one that is confident with pride of accomplishment of who you are, yet you don’t have to remind people of that every minute of every day. Behavior always speaks louder than words, and kind, accepting behavior is remembered best by others. Yes, those who do the most harm are the most wounded, and filled with insecurities that neither money or success can satisfy. They can be healed, but acknowledgement may be controlled by a negative ego.

So, think about your health, your happiness and what old things or people that you have to release, forgive and let go of. As you work on accepting that you are loved unconditionally by God/Source, start declaring a blanket-cover-all of things or people that you need to forgive. You are worth the work, which may be a bumpy path with digression. You also do Not need to involve the other person, so if they’ve passed-on it really doesn’t matter. The forgiveness is ultimately for you, as it releases all the negative energy, which truly is a poison in your system waiting to attack you when you least expect it. Illuminate all that negative energy with love, for it has thrived on the fear-laden ego that created it. It is empowering to no longer be carrying all that baggage from your past.