Own Your Power

Owning your power is not about ego – that is for insecure people who are actually filled with fear that other people will see thru their bullying facade. Personal Power has to do with empowering/embracing your gifts, talents and compassion. Yes compassion, as it takes a strong person to stop to give time and assistance to others. So, you can exude your power with humility as you empower other to develop theirs. Personal Power also has to do with working on your balance, and becoming Whole on your own – not needing or believing that you need another person to complete or fulfill you. We all need to keep working on ourSelves – remember if you’re perfect and all lesson learned, your time here is done and you’d be gone! Each day is better, as you learn to love you more, as well as every other human being likewise.

Your Personal Power also helps sustain you in times of difficulties, either to yourself or to those around you that you love. Losses not only help us to appreciate more what we do have, but to also remember that nothing lasts forever. It certainly reasserts the need to live in the present and don’t put off creating those moments of joy for your Self, as well contacting friends, and especially saying “I love you.” Always know that it is not about the material things, but the living ones. It often takes courage and faith to keep going when we have a loss, yet there is a reason you are still here. Take the opportunity to share that with others, we do have a purpose even if it is to guide only one other person. You may be the change that they need, and you may never know who they will influence from your nudge.

The daily grind of life gets to us all some times, and we need to give rewards to our Selves to recoup back into the flow. Releasing the tentacles of the past, whether of recent or long forgotten days, is a constant process of opening our hearts and mind. To resonate fully, and live consciously, we need those walls or boundaries down to fully feel life. Yes, I do believe that what doesn’t kill you, does make you stronger and, so then very grateful for what you do have. You are a Divine child of God/Source, and are loved unconditionally – warts, and all. Never, ever let anyone tell you that you are anything less, or let their jealousies or criticisms affect how you live your life. You – we humans – do not need to be perfect – there is no such thing or expectation from God/Source. Just working on being better is enough for us humans. You are powerful, and growing stronger every day.