Giving Unconditional Love

If unconditional love is unlimited/infinite – as it comes from God/Source – then giving it away would not deplete, or even limit how much we have. So, why are some of us afraid to give it away? That is a question with a thousand-plus answers, so here are just a few to jog your brain, and see what falls out for you. Fear; Ego; Insecurities; Jealousy; Anger

‘Like/dislike,’ as mentioned in a prior writing, is much different from love (we’re not even talking about unconditional love yet) because it is a judgment based on feelings. It is an expression of emotional energy which we choose, and direct to certain people or things. Key word being ‘judgment,’ and thus the conflict. This is one of those things that as a work-in-progress, you are (& me) continually working on releasing it, to no longer practice it in our lives. Difficult in my opinion/experience, but I’m getting better. This is like the parent who says to a child, “I will always love you, but right now I don’t like your behavior!” It may be effective in disciplining a child, but does not work in the adult world – either you accept someone as they are – unconditional love – or you don’t.

While someone’s energetic vibrations may not be aligned with ours, we do need to remember ‘to see’ that God/Source part in their heart/soul that is in alignment with us – if we are being Spiritual. This process is called detachment, along with acceptance of them as they are or capable of being, but choosing, or not capable of being now. OK? Specific to some people or groups, doing that (detachmentacceptance) without emotional judgment is a big leap for most of us – I’m definitely working on it regarding certain people. If that is not enough, add to this the difficult forgiveness process. Remember, this does not mean that you have to embrace this person into your daily life, or even be around them or agree with them on all things, as that would probably put you into an untruth. Did I ever say that changing or moving into Spirituality is easy? It IS not.

The first and easiest step, is that you can love people unconditionally by sending it to them via the healing Golden/White Light or other blessings. These may be things that we can, and often do through groups we may belong to, for complete strangers half way around the world in our belief of All being One. You can start practicing it for those that you may have personal dislike, or worse type of feelings toward. For me, and many others, the biggest challenge is family or close associates we interact with on a regular basis. So, we can love someone – even unconditionally – without having to like them or be around them. That unconditional love is coming directly from our Higher Power – the God/Source within us. This is a very empowering choice that gives us joy, peace of mind and fulfillment. It also means that we don’t have to hang on to any emotional obligations, or guilt for not liking them or what they do/did to us or others. It is definitely the positive side of releasing judgments. And, if the long distance processing doesn’t feel true the first time, keep practicing it until it is acceptable in your gut.