Learning to Tango

I do not know how to tango, but even as I grow older, I feel the dance-of-life is a fast moving tango. My life has not slowed down for me, but my body has – which is sometimes a problem. When my life dips and sways, moving forwards, sideways, and backwards it is not always graceful. Yet, I do manage to get the complicated series of steps necessary to eventually take me to my destination, even if not in tune to any music. Thankfully, I haven’t ungracefully fallen down on the way, because I don’t even have a partner to rely on to catch me. At the pace I’m usually going, if I did, I’d have forgotten to tell him about my next move. I seriously feel sometimes that I truly do need to learn to tango, or at least learn to lead my life-dance better.

Obviously, I need to look closely at where I have limited my life, and then take action to create some space for an expanded level of potential. I do not see myself slowing down any time soon, so I’ve got to prepare to handle it all much better. This then means that I need to review, release, reconsider, re-think, etc., before something happens to slowdown, or even shutdown on me.

As I’ve said before, I don’t think mistakes are always doing the wrong thing. I believe they are experiences – lessons we need to learn, although it is sometimes confirmation that my path is out of alignment with my intentions. In other words, I’m missing the use of my awareness, or being impulsive rather than letting my intuitiveness guide me. I may have been too blissfully waltzing along, not even doing the tango’s expert moves, and find myself ungracefully miss-stepping, then surprised at what happened. Am I on a tilt-a-whirl or a rollercoaster?

Reminders of your power comes in many ways, usually when you have to make choices – decisions that you have been ignoring or putting off. You need to take those moments to look at your life, and realize if you don’t like what you see and want something else, this is your most powerful moment to change. That intuition, heart, mind-moment you have the clarity-opportunity to focus on the real prize desired right now. Fear is no longer hovering, indecision is no longer a luxury, so you’re ready to take action.

To continue to move forward, you sometimes have to do a full-energetic-clearing of the old thoughts, wants or needs. Acknowledge the power of your intuition, as a guiding principle in setting your new intentions to trust in a new direction. Intuition helps you to feel into the depth of things – there is no rationalizing or need to justify them. Those are uses from your past experiences, where intuition takes you into the future.

A review also allows your energy not to get scattered with distractions, or silently drag you down. As you continue, there is no longer frustration on your path. You could literally sing and dance your way down the Yellow Brick Road – do the tango – lead the dance with everyone around you. Ultimately, this means becoming aware, paying attention to your intentions with alignment, while learning to tango your life-dance better.

Allowing your intuition full direction, releases and opens your awareness to new potentials, while letting other new options rise to the surface for consideration. You are no longer mindlessly accepting fate to lead the way. Yes, it is more complicated being responsible and making all your decisions, but much more fun, too. You have to challenge yourself to become ‘more’ of who you can be, to explore and expand your life to more joy, fulfillment, prosperity and love. This happens because you have been asking for clarity, signs, and transformation. They have been brought right to your door. Now, go take those tango lessons, they are all about Empowerment, and you’re ready to learn.