Energy of Change

There is an energy that usually comes this time of year, with all of the anticipation of the old being set aside, and the new about to begin. To a certain aspect, this energy gives you permission to kick back a little, and release the usual pressures to produce. After the rush of the holiday all behind now, we need to reflect. Take some time out to “smell the roses,” or at least review all that you have accomplished, and give your-Self due credit for coming this far. Take a few moments to also give thanks to God and the powers that be within you which brought you to this point! You take a break-to-realign in a positive, even fun way with this energy.

No monotonous routine, humdrum people or boring collaborations with this one. Use it to access your unique genius, and find that deep well of creativity inside of you. Then share if you can, with other like-hearted and like-minded Souls. Take advantage of this energy to tap into areas you may not have realized were available to you before. To keep it light and upbeat, socialize and enjoy the experience of different people or new activities. Take more time for you to get to enjoy the people and experiences that pass through at this time, the better, and accept this as a gift! This is the “keep it real” energy, especially regarding relationships.

This energy makes you want to really sit down and define your terms within your relationships. Of course, you always start with yourSelf, and how you’re feeling about You. Again, make a list if you have to, but think about all the accomplishments and changes you have brought about for you this year. If you have had health issues, and as we all grow older, they creep up from out of nowhere sometimes. I’ve said to myself, “How did I let that happen?” Yet, with awareness, I’ve managed to get them taken care before getting too far out of hand.

In personal relationships it’s really hard to grow to the next level, when each person is not clear on what the other expects. Of course, this starts with you knowing what you want/don’t want, and what you are willing to compromise about. So, spend some time thinking, so you can articulate that clearly. What brings expansion and liberation into your life, meaning nothing will ever be the same again. What changes will shake things up and push you out of any rut you may be in at this time. Expand in new ways and tell a new story, to break out of the old and step into the new in some way. Think about where things may have grown stagnant.

If you have obligations that have run their course, try to be proactive on your own behalf by initiating the necessary changes consciously, lest you get blindsided. Though it may “seem” sudden, it really has been building over time, you are reminded that the old way simply will not work anymore. I’ve often reminded people that ‘when you change, everyone around you has to change or go away’ – it’s a natural law. You may not know how or what to change, but the Universe does, and it will provide the catalyst one way or another.

There are some solid aspects of your Truth and belief system, which also have a natural evolution that takes your life to the next level. Be as loving with your-Self and others as you possibly can, as you work through what you know and what you’re learning. The important thing is to stay open and receptive to new ideas, while trusting your intuition along the way. It’s time to do things differently, your Truth has evolved and changed, it is time to breathe some fresh air.

Be open to see the good in everyone and forgive them for whatever … especially if you don’t think that this will be reciprocated. Work at thinking anything good you can about the person you blame for any unhappiness. Know always that Love is the strongest emotion, and that is the real Empowerment in Your Life to Share for the New Year and Always.