Let Go Your Ego

Doors open when you let go of your Ego, as everything is no longer Only about you – without any care or concern for others. This is then the vast difference between ego, and self-respect or worth. With self-respect and worth, you automatically have a reverence for nature – conservancy, but also respect for every living being within it. That is to say from the grass, trees and mountains to each and every person. Things – words and actions are done with sincerity, not patronizing or placating for your own benefit or advantage. There is kindness in service and support of all things. Your purpose in life is to touch someone’s life, to bring a smile, change of direction or guiding suggestion. These do not have to be people you know – just a kind word or compliment can change a person’s whole attitude regarding their day, or even more.

Without your Ego niggling at you, you are fulfilled, and really don’t believe that you need more than what you have. You have thus surrendered to what is bigger than you, the non-material things not attached to money. Remember your Ego never really allows you to fully enjoy what you do have, as it is never satisfied and always wants more. Make sure you are ready to receive what you are asking for, or you may not recognize it in the form that it comes to you. When You have recognized that God gave you your senses, you can feel the love in everyone’s heart. With the release of Ego, you have also released your past pain, so all that remains are the memories precipitated by love. Those are the true riches with you have, and are continuing to follow you, giving you strength to go on to be more, and share more with others.

Life with Love has no limit, no matter which stage or age of life you are in right now. No matter if it is the next moment or decades from now, in time we all face our curtain coming down. Treasure and Cherish the time and Love for your family, friends or whomever, while knowing that you have also treated yourself well in your life. You are not satisfying an Ego, but your true Self. So, you have become more self-directing, self-nurturing, and usually more into Spiritual service to others. Because of this growth, you now feel more connected, which in the usual domino affect, more opportunities are presented to you than ever before.

As I’ve said, the first step toward change is awareness. These potentials of changes because your Ego is no longer holding you back. As you move toward acceptance, you may find a whole new understanding of the reality of nature, and how you are growing into that picture. As you venture down new pathways, even if unsure of where they are headed, there is no longer any fear of the unknown, as that also was released with the Ego. Whether you feel the need to uproot yourself, you are certainly ridding from your life any issues or surrounding grudges, controlling people, old possessions, or even just opinions of others who intruded in your living situation. Your beliefs about your life are strictly created on your own, from your heart and head connection working it all out, for what is best for you as you head down your new pathway.

Without your Ego controlling/influencing your mind, you may now be able to hear the

messages from your intuition, or your heart/mind, or even from your angels and guardians. These are positive messages of change, that can be hugely transformative with new opportunities to connect with your hopes and dreams. It is never too late to ‘rewrite your life story.’ Take those chances for something that fits more readily into who you are becoming. I totally recommend to not resist the fulfilling of your destiny. That’s real Empowerment in who you are to be!

2016 Will be a great Year of change and empowerment – do not hesitate use its energy for your growth.