Try New Things

I would hope by now that you do not judge your life based on others’ lives, or how you think things ‘should be.’ That would be as if living the ‘photoshopped-version’ of a Norman Rockwell cover. It’s self-sabotage in setting yourself up royally for failure. Simply put, if you don’t like what’s happening in life, change it! And of course, the best way is One Step at a time. Nothing is really ‘one size fits all’ when we are all truly unique individuals. That means none of us are actually normal in a cookie-cutter way, just varying degrees of usual or acceptable examples. So, begin with what you do want in your life, and set up clear intentions as to how you can go about getting them. If money is at the top of your list, either spend less or figure out how to make more of it! Hopefully, you are past thinking that it will make you instantly happier.

Often, trying new things – usually starting as a hobby – may help you bring out a more creative side. Be more curious, explore something you may have read about, seen done or know someone who has done it. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you, as you remind yourself it is only an experiment. You may learn something unexpected about yourself, like a hidden talent or ability. Explore new options rather than giving up! It does help to have supportive friends/family, or make new ones if they don’t want you to change. You need people who will believe in you, which does help you believe in yourself. The groups you associate with often can determine the type of person you become. Try to pick positive ones if you’re building a new community around you. Of course, ‘positive’ does not mean doing unhealthy or dangerous things.

The point of this change does mean positive growth, and that does not occur overnight. Try to make any new thing Fun. Don’t get too serious or obsessive with accomplishing a new goal,  make it enjoyable. Play does not mean that you aren’t learning something new. It can be a natural way to learn, especially when you free up your imagination for finding and developing innate skills and talents. Be optimistic and keep your sense of humor, as it makes the journey what adventure is supposed to be. Be willing to look inside to work on areas where you are allowing others to infuse fear into you and limit your power. Always be open to the possibility of personal transformation to come from the most unexpected paths or avenues explored.

Take those deep breaths within, and find if you may be contributing to any problems. Are you being distracted from your deeper purpose in life, by letting it gain greater power and control over your freedom without even realizing it? Truly, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Once you know your fears for what and who they are, you’ll be forever free, basking in the light of grace. This is a powerful time for energy shifts and openings with the super New moon January 30th – especially ahead of the Chinese New Year of the Horse starting the next day. Horse years are associated with fire and action, and tend to put lots of activity on your plate. Don’t try to do it all at once, breathe deep and often to be grounded and centered for success. Connect often with your inner heart-voice and spirit to be fully empowered.