Getting Your Messages

There are messages from your Soul – Intuition – Angels, or whatever you want to call it to wake up more. Yet as typical humans, we often only look at or focus on the surface/obvious event/situation. Sometimes, if you have an inkling of something else going on – synchronicity or something – go beneath that surface and ask, “Is this a message?” If you are open, we are given enlightening messages of Clarity and Truth. Most of us have busy lives with distractions, so we do miss much that may be whizzing by. When you can simplify and slow down, you undoubtedly will receive the messages that help guide you along your Path. They may be quite simple, yet each step brings you closer to your identity of who and what you are to do/be. Have you felt any, or are you too busy to notice? Remember, your Soul speaks in the Language of your Heart, not your mind – it is all about your feelings. It is in Intuiting everything in life, and then making a choice. It’s in acting on your guided intuition that moves you forward. Many of us receive messages, but aren’t fully cognizant of them, or even do nothing about them.

Most of us know that on some level we ‘choose’ our experiences, so there is usually no problem unless you think there is one. Still, you may believe certain situations are beyond our control, and have to accept them. Perhaps they are a lesson that was ignored, and now has to unfold for us to learn. It can be comforting, and even empowering, when you do realize that you have chosen a situation that gives you an opportunity to discover who you really are. This wake-up call from your Soul had to be loud or harsh, because you were not paying attention before. Are you going to start listening better/closer, or do you like being hit up-side your head? As always, the choice of the lesson is yours to learn. Truly, learn to listen to the messages being sent to you.

Never forget that the ego always wants to distract you by the mind needing to know what it all means, and analyzing the details before responding to an intuitive thought. It is when you can drop your addiction to ‘the need to know what, why, who, where or what,’ that life becomes much simpler and easier. When you simplify your life from the distractions, you become detached from life’s interruptions. How much do you let social media control your responses? Instead of sending your questions out to others, try bringing them inside to allow your intuition to guide you. Learn to trust you – you really do know yourself better than anyone else truly does. Allow everything positive in life to flow to you without effort. You really don’t need anything outside yourself to be better, or to choose things for you. Choose Not to be needy, make your choice by standing in your Power. Be still enough to be comfortable being you, and let everything go to listen to your Heart, your Intuition to listen and receive the messages from everywhere on every thing. The Universe is there to support you, however it may – just ask it.

New Awarenesses are presented through your own life or through others. Choose what you want to create through your intuition, and your feelings will radiate out to others. This will keep you from being bombarded by negative thoughts from others (having the Golden Light around you protects you). Keeping your Empowerment up is being honest and open in your words, thoughts, actions and feelings. Pay attention to your physical body to watch for muscle tension, clenching or other things that indicate negative energy. Don’t forget to ask for additional support – positive energy, and remove yourself from the situation at your earliest opportunity if it does not change. Do whatever you are guided to do to bring and keep positive energies for your empowerment along your path. Deep breathing is always the fastest, along with the encirclement of the Golden Light for protection, and strength to move forward. Begin by releasing whatever is not Love, and never forget You get to choose what kind of life to live. Let it be one of Empowerment!