Thank you, etc.

How many times have you been told to make every moment count, before it is your last one? Especially this time of year with the holidays almost over, and the New Year looming – wow, 2013. Who woulda thunk we’d make it this far?

One also doesn’t need to be facing death to gain the appreciation of life. Yet, we’ve all heard the stories of people who have been given a terminal diagnosis and then, shift their life to enjoy every moment so richly that their disease disappears. I won’t go that far, but sometimes just stopping to think, if not meditate on life – Your Life – might make you question its purpose, as we  often don’t realize those people we’ve affected. Start simple and simply say “Thank you,” not only to God/Source for your life, but to those people around you even not on a daily basis. I usually remember to say ‘Thank you’ as I’m crawling into bed at night, simply for the day given to me. It works for me. Don’t wait for some personal scare or another unfortunate mass killing, or natural disaster to remind you to be grateful for what, and who you do have in your life.

Along with the ‘thank you’ part and being grateful for your life, now start verbally sharing the appreciation of others who are in your life. Appreciation makes you a light bulb to empower another’s life, and if you can, add a smile with what you say – “Thank you for all you do.” It will add sincerity, so it is not lost in the perfunctory of your response for someone’s assistance or doing their job. You may not consider that daily life is a celebration, but it usually doesn’t take much in today’s chaotic world to realize how lucky you are compared to so many others. Do not hesitate to look for small things that bring joy into your life, and don’t hesitate to immediately say thank you for them. Life can be as banal as You allow it to be! How small is your brain that you cannot see what you have been given?!? Now, begin to share this with others, especially when they whine or carry on about some small inconvenience.

Yes, the biggest challenge will be to carry forth your praise, appreciation, gratitude and ‘thank yous’ beyond the New Year. You have been plummeted for more than a month to be grateful, and that this is the Season of Giving. Work on not limiting it to a season, or even a dire-straits reason. No, I’m not suggesting that you need to give up all of your ‘toys’ or material goods to be a better person. Living with a belief in lack or limitation is not healthy under any circumstances. I am merely suggesting that we need to celebrate what we do have, and make the best use of it, sharing/giving however we can. Which means, if you value what you have and use it to help yourself or others, that usually leads to a joyful life. Reclaim Your identity as a Spiritual being, and recognize the presence of love comes from the giving, in a world gone crazy with fear.