True Beauty & Innate Value

You have to Believe in yourSelf to reveal your true beauty and innate value! So if you don’t, why don’t You? Know that you are here for a reason. While your Path is unique for you, we are all sharing this journey of self-discovery and evolution of our planet Earth. Accept this knowledge, and use it to connect to your Heart, Passion and True Purpose in life! Are you using your Intuition – Higher Self knowledge? If not, again Why Not? It is important to use your intuition, and to trust what you feel is right for you. Remember that everyone is feeling insecure around change that is out of their control. Practice acceptance, and choose change as if it were your idea. At the same time, make sure you take time for yourself. Even though this can be a challenging time, it also has power and energy to fuel any big change you wish to implement in your life. And, don’t forget to ask for support, then go for it.

Who are you at your core? Knowing this is Finding your essence, and then letting your essence flow into your world will manifest what is true for you. We truly are all connected, including all life forms on Earth and beyond. What you think, feel and do, you do for all. So stand strong in Who you are. Understand, acknowledge and accept that You are perfect in every way. You are loved, guided and supported, and most importantly, You are never alone. Something to repeat to yourSelf daily is:  “I Now Allow Myself to be Loved and Supported on All levels.” Our journey is about learning to move from healing to wholeness, as divine humans without limitation into expansion of who we are to become. That means moving from fear into love, without judgment and into acceptance of our divine aspects. Understand that Divinity is about wholeness, not holiness.

Take some time and deep breaths to look at where your life is limited, where you feel stuck, blocked, unhappy, or afraid. Do you have the courage to change, even if you are not sure where it will lead you? This is not leaping into the deep end, it is taking one small step at a time. It takes courage to live in a higher vibration when you don’t know what it is you will get. But once you get a glimpse of an unlimited life and way of being, there is no turning back. From change comes  transformation, and re-alignment. Your supported potential forward movement is ready now, so start that deep breathing for your own internal readiness to be focused for your transformation to create wholeness. At times of intense change, our unconscious conspires to prevent us from changing in fundamentally life-altering ways. We all have basically the same unconscious feelings of anger, jealousy, depression, hatred, lust, envy, fear, etc. So, don’t believe that it’s only you with those feelings. LOL It’s all part of being human, that’s we do not own up to it.

Big change often comes without guarantees, so start letting it go one negative aspect at a time or two, three together. This is the way we were made, and we must let go to move on, as we can not remain where we are. In taking a leap of faith, there is enormous healing power from the releasing, which brings us to a state of wholeness. Whatever ails you can be transmuted with your own energy into something that heals you, if you guide and direct it to do so. The healing is often needed due to our previous avoidance of difficult emotions, created by denial. In allowing your feelings to be felt fully, and without judgement, you are inviting healing into your life. Your energy field is allowed to rebalance and realign you. Don’t let those little negative nagging voices come through to your heart or mind. You are worth the work to make the changes and release all of those ugly negative emotions percolating inside your fearful ego. Move forward now unencumbered by old restrictive energies and claim your well-earned Empowerment.