Humanity Awakening

What you now do, expressing who you are is really a pivotal part of your growth as a human expressing your soul, as the true-you deep down inside. You are who you are, no matter the flaws and failings you may perceive or believe with brutal honesty within yourself. You may demand to view your life without despair, as it doesn’t matter how we all got to where we are, or who did what to whom, or where it all went wrong, or how you were misled. Blame has no place in truly changing the world, and awakening humanity. Only look at the Now – as the clock is ticking – so what can you do about making the best changes, the best way?

When things feel like too much, do something to make you reconnect to your own inner place of truth, peace and clarity. Focus more on what love and truth are guiding you to do each day. You, in recent years, have progressed quickly into a burgeoning global resonance by choice, as you’ve aged. Yet within that, is a connection to All Life to truly be courageous enough to see your strength, as your Inner Being determines your ability to make this connection. Cultivate your time alone with your thoughts and feelings, or with those of like-mind, and observe how you can work together.

You are a teacher, so must learn the lessons set before you, and to share those lessons in the way you respond to situations involving others. But don’t get frustrated with people who do not understand, or not want to change. Remember one of Richard Bach’s best sayings: “When you want more for the other person than they want for themselves, you are frustrated.” If you can attract people, then teach them by your examples, regarding situations, problems, and concerns that can easily be seen to benefit them also. Once you can practice this mindset/reality, you are no longer bothered by people who don’t see their choices as negative. You see that they are simply where they are by choice, and it isn’t your job to rescue or save. Even if family members or old friends/acquaintances don’t choose to change – let it/them go. As long as you are embodying changes in your teachings to those are open to change you are moving forward to help humanity awaken.

This was so helpful to me, as I worked through releasing my rescuing tendency of others unwilling to change. Realize that all people are mirrors, so some confusion at times, and I can still get frustrated with both my own Spiritual progress and that of others. In that moment, we are unaware of our true, inner-essence of God/Source. At this vital stage, your awakening must be more than ideas and words. Stop and deep breathe – You must embrace your own power, asking for help as is needed. You are the one doing this for YourSelf. You are the one meant to lead by example – day-to-day using of your gifts and awareness – First applying what you know within your own heart.

The question here is whether you can maintain appropriate boundaries to others and balance for yourself, as you continue to relate/teach others. Never forget to keep your own well within full – loving yourself and taking time for you. Especially for women who are conditioned to be the endless nurturers of others, staying centered may be a challenge to be aware of during emotional highs, when followed by lows. Make sure your needs are being met for optimal outcomes, come back to your center, your God/Source often and be Empowered. This is who you really are.