
There are those couples – married or not – where neither will speak up because of the obvious consequences that would result. If verbalized, so big a problem could not be ignored. Perhaps it is not spoken for the children’s security, or economic situation with them. But wrong is being done to both in the name of being a couple. Neither can grow, much less thrive. Yet, they would both prefer to live in the small room with the elephant, than get new rooms for each. Of course, alcohol may be involved with the coping.

Never let another’s negative judgment of you affect your judgment of your-Self. Most of all, life is too precious to let a moment’s bad judgment end it all. We all have our bad moments, and some of us accumulated more than a few bad ones. It is often important to have a ‘get away place,’ even if it is only in your mind of a happy time you once had. It is even acceptable to have a drink or two to accelerate those memories, as long as you are home. Listen to your favorite music, watch your favorite movie – do whatever. Escape can be your best friend when one is not available. Be sure to carefully rake your brain for what the gods of fate gave you in exchange for what you lost that has made you so sad. And then, rejoice and be grateful once you realize it is so much better than living so unhappily, pretending to be a happy couple.

Often the replacement life is better than what we thought we could not live without, even when it means aloneness. It may not be realized quickly, but we all know there is more than one fish in the sea. One should never need to ask, or especially beg for love. It is one commodity that is unlimited – when given away freely without expectations of anything else in return, even more comes to replenish it. It is only those people of a lack-mentally who think they cannot share their love. Never forget that your past can be released, so it no longer has a hold over you. Also remember too, that which you seek from outside of you – love, respect, adoration or happiness – will never fill you up if you haven’t already acknowledged it all in your-Self to your-Self.

If you are lost in the wilderness and crossing a river, if you slip on a wet stone, do you let the river carry you away, or do you fight back up to get the job done? How much does life mean to you? Can you laugh at your-Self all wet and muddy even if your heart is breaking? How do you find out what is on the other side if you do not forge the river? It has all got to be better from whence you came, and . . . it is Next on your Journey.