Would’ve, Could’ve . . .

Even if you were once the apple of someone’s eye, remember an orange can be quite refreshing sometimes. Take absolutely nothing for granted, as nothing is guaranteed in life but death – taxes, the clever ones get around. Also, never forget either that change is good for everyone, not just the other person. You really only have two choices in life – grow and change, or stagnate and not change. One has blossoms, new leaves, branches and expanding roots, the other rots, stinks and ends up in the garbage.

If the Prince becomes a frog sometimes, or the Princess sometimes falls back asleep after being kissed, can you still love them? Or is it the image that you prefer, and need to give your love to? Nowadays, if my Prince Charming wanted to take me away, I must admit I’d say, why don’t we sit down and talk to get to know each other a little better first. Who do you see in the mirror? This is not about the fairest of them all, or looking for flaws. Acknowledge your strong points, straightening your shoulders, and be aware of where you can improve, then empower your-Self to do it in whatever steps needed. “I Can Do This,” is more than a mantra, it is a statement of living my life. And, it works for me. Some things do need to be repeated, so they are embedded in our daily life.

Dreams do not usually come on silver platters. You have the responsibility to bring them into their fruition. It’s not about would’ve, could’ve, should’ve. It’s about what you Did Do. Few men and women have gone into space, and as of now (2012) none have gone to Mars, just clever machinery. Does that mean they never will? Some Nevers can be changed, so I wouldn’t say that. It is not just volcanos and earthquakes which make rocks and mountain tops move. How much you really, Really, REALLY want something, and are you willing to do whatever to help make it happen, makes the difference.

I have lived a good portion of my life with Plan B, which is actually quite amazing as I’m rather OCD with most things. Yet, I’ve learned that those things I recognize that I have no control over – like other people’s decisions, I let Source and the Universe deal with for me. In other words, I let it unfold, understanding Divine Right Order for my best and highest good, and the highest good of all. It does not always mean that my acceptance is easy, or done without some grumbling. Time will tell me that it was the best thing, and I will grow from the opportunity/challenge. I have never done well on a treadmill – I actually like to get somewhere when I walk. Accepting my mistakes as lessons learned means having no regrets, which is what I prefer. I don’t bungee-jump, but I frequently jump into deep water . . . to swim, not tread in a circle.

Personal Empowerment 

There is No One who is going to ‘rescue’ You –

not a Knight on a white horse, or Prince Charming or anyone else.

Only You can rescue You –

and You need to understand that,

You are the One that You’ve been waiting for.

NOW, Get YourSelf together and

empower the changes You need to make,

to become the person You truly want to be.

No One else can truly do that for You,

as No One else truly knows You like You do,

or knows who You want to be.