All About YOU!

OK, we’ve talked about this before, but it is a new year, and perhaps not all of your goals, intentions, dreams or wishes came true last year! LOL So, here is a new or different approach – I like to say “come in the back door.” Do this basic exercise – Imagine you already have the life you want. Without going into the circumstances, imagine how your life feels, how you now think, and most importantly, how you speak, act and treat yourself. Think what ALL would be different? So, here is the practice – CAN You begin to feel, think, speak, and act that way NOW?

Truly, ALL change starts from the inside to really be an actual change-process, not just a bandaid from the outside to fix something about you that you think others need to love and accept you.

What needs to change? Please STOP and Think about all of this before you read on.

If you want love, think about speaking lovingly about and to yourself and others. Why are you not loving yourself unconditionally – warts & all? If you want more abundance, think about speaking abundantly. Abundance comes from being grateful for all you have Now, first. It also comes from not limiting the source of your abundance – be open to Any abundance from Any source. If you want a happier reality, eliminate negative-speaking and self-defeating actions. Be the person you want to be now. Then your life will shift accordingly from the inside-out. Again, if this seems too overwhelming for you to take on all areas, choose one part of your life – family, work, or other cultural activities – and start making simple changes in how you treat you.

You can be abundant in your soul now, by treating yourself with love in every area – physically, emotionally, and psychologically – now. You can acknowledge, validate, and celebrate yourself now. You do not have to wait for those around in your external life to change. It is in your power to only shift your energy, You cannot change another – so, therefore, use your energy to shift your life for your positive changes. The amazing phenomenon is that when you change yourself inwardly, you will see those in your outer-reflection begin to shift or leave. You can be Happy as you become whomever you choose – starting right here and right now, from this very moment on.

As you grow and change, continue to ask yourself, “What would I like to do better, or more efficiently in my everyday-life or my work?” Think about your surroundings – the atmosphere you live-work in. “What can I make more comfortable or beautiful both inside of my life, my heart, or in my activities?” With basic things done, move to bigger ones. “What would I like to accomplish by year’s end – personally, within the family, other areas?” As one goal is reaching it’s completion, it is time for the next one to be put into action. As humans, and to happy with ourselves, there is always new growth, ways we can improve, and things we’d like to change.

Yet, this is not a competition, as wanting to do better should not involve beating yourself up for any perceived limitations prescribed by you, or others looking to control you. If you come from the stance of blessing, and being grateful for where you are now, wanting to create more or intending to be better is a natural progression. When we acknowledge all the goodness in life, and everything we have already created, we can create more to shine in new and brighter ways. And, always resolve to be loving to yourself no matter what, to acknowledge the life and light within your heart that constantly desires to expand, grow, and beckons us to be more. Now, that is real Empowerment that we can all have.