What Did You Say?

People pick up on the negative energy that you are generating from your static inner-dialogue. Are you driving your personal-self with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake? You alternate between moving forward or stopping, and not getting anywhere easily, quickly, or gracefully. The focus of your inner-dialogue determines the course of your life, so you need to ensure that it is positive and dynamic, reaffirming your worth, value and perfection, staying away from criticism, judgment or negativity. Each time a fear comes up, acknowledge it – you know it’s there, so don’t try to hide or ignore it. Then change it from negative to positive by asking yourself what is the worse-case scenario, if you can ‘live’ with that, you can move forward through it, and create what you want in your life. Now, the outer you will radiate self-confidence and joy, so you will attract people, experiences and situations that mirror the positive energy you want to be creating around you.

Don’t judge yourself, just change the negative, judgmental, critical dialogue to one that is positive, self-affirming, and loving. Then watch how that change is reflected in your life, and how others relate to you. Do Not bury your Love of life deep beneath fear, regret, trauma and pain. Sense a loving potential within all experiences as a found treasure. Experience nature or just a flower with an exciting play of your senses, mingling to sort out where each one is coming from. Make all of your experiences a challenge, as a prized puzzle with a solution available from each piece by piece. You can extrapolate a joy in every moment, even if it has passed. If you lived without a lot of money your whole life, but loved and appreciated everyone in it, your life would be called an incredible success. While your accomplishments are certainly things to celebrate, it is the love with which you do them that is of even greater concern to your soul.

You must be open to challenges which demand hope in the face of despair, love in the face of aggression, wisdom in the face of ignorance, and most importantly patience in the face of not knowing what to do about something! So, if this brings you a conundrum that you’re itching to sort out, glean from your positive experiences to discover the action to take, and move on to the next thing! If there is no reference point, the creativity is boundless, as it can be much easier to think Beyond the box. Eliminate limiting thoughts and beliefs, as well as old patterns. Your heart is your best compass you have, as it always knows deep down inside what you truly want, who you truly are and what makes you happy. Trust your heart, not your mind and beware of the mind trying to masquerade as the heart.

One of the biggest lessons – challenges for some of us is to let go, really let go, of the need to know, to be right and to control everything. There is a fine line between delusion and reality. The reality of the great ‘unknown’ is that Delusion is just another expression of ‘the need to know.’ If you are into creating a new story that you can get attached to, it may or may not manifest. Don’t let your shadow mess with your self-worth and give you a difficult time. Some people will become almost manic in telling creative new ‘life’ stories. Don’t withdraw into deep fear, or  attempt to walk that tightrope keeping your eyes open, trust your instincts, and honor the path of the heart. Support the healing of your deepest fears, turning them into delighted anticipation of a great surprise, supported beyond your wildest imagination. Face the unknown with confidence, and a willingness to have everything turn out well. Be compassionate around others who are having a difficult time, but don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to what does not feel right. You need to trust your heart, and to trust whatever is the Divine Right Order for Your Life. It is the inner changes which truly matter: new truths perceived, old perceptions released, a willingness to follow one’s heart, no matter how misaligned it seems with everyone around you! That’s Empowerment.