Who Surrounds You?

Think about your job, and if it is serving you well. There has to be more to life than the world most people tell you there is – especially the media. Most people enjoy the doom and gloom simply because it is Not them that is suffering in it. Yet, if they do not have joy in their life, and believe that they do not deserve to have it so, they are still suffering, albeit on a slower, lower level than featured in the news. These are the same people that don’t want to hear about any of your good news, because they only know how to be a victim or suffer thru self-made difficulties in life. Suffering is directly related to not wanting to change – even when the decisions are made subconsciously. Think about it.

Did you ever notice how that person talking about dieting being difficult does so while drinking a sugary soda and eating a candy bar? Some people are so glued to their rut, that they just keep digging it deeper. Eventually it will become their grave. I used to say something to them, as if pointing out the error of their ways would help. I don’t rescue any more, or if someone mentions a situation I do respond if asked, but only that once if they retaliate with a feeble excuse. They obviously don’t want to hear about a better life that would mean changing those bad habits. Yes, change is more difficult they remaining the same, but always worth the effort for a better life.

Generally speaking, I avoid being pulled into personal situations, or share my own with co-workers or acquaintances. People who do know me well, know that I mean what I say, especially after a second time saying it, and will respect me for it. I find ways to avoid people I choose to no longer associate with, and make excuses if necessary. Even joking about ‘negative vibes,’ they sometimes don’t understand. I recently said that no one seemed to listen to my advice, so what was the point? Many people, of course, have thought I was nuts or just rude. I don’t try to please people any more. People only disrespect you when you let them be comfortable in doing so.

Einstein said, “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” I am not a genius, but I am usually a very happy person. Some people just move ahead one foot following another in their lives, never waiting for any direction or fork in the road. Yes, sometimes that is all any of us can do in certain situations. And at other times, we can all actually work at bringing beauty into our lives, or make sure that we are around it. Life is rarely what we expected, and I’ve always thought afterwards that it was a good thing, as where would there be the magic or a challenge? Truly creative people are never actually bored, if they have a true creative mind. I know I’m loved unconditionally and already redeemed, so I never have regrets.

In other words, don’t waste your time on people who don’t want to be as happy in their life, as you are in yours. Being a living example of a happy life is usually enough for most people to get the idea of who and what you are. How you live your life is always more important than all the words you speak. Bask in the wonder of how you’ve made your life, and how you live it in a positive way. It was not one you stumbled upon. You have worked on it by going deep inside, desiring to soar high, while following your love of life, and the joy of fulfillment is then yours. It is with great gratitude that you indulge to enjoy your Empowerment fully!