The Real YOU

Fifteen years or so ago, when I was going through some really dramatic changes, I started asking myself – “Will the Real Alice please stand up.” It was a kind of a take-off of an old, dumb game-show. But, it worked for me to find myself underneath all of the layers of the different people I had to be for my various jobs, or around different people I was trying to please. Complicated, just slightly. Just like most of you, I am still in the process of growing, changing and finding different parts of me being revealed, as I become more comfortable with who I am changing into. One of the main things things this honesty has shown me is that when we are in the flow, our dominant emotional vibration is brought with us into every activity and situation we are involved with. In other words, sometimes the ‘real you’ gets revealed whether you want it to or not.

When you truly go within, you discover who you really are, and sometimes then realize that you are totally responsible for all that takes place in your life – every moment, everyday. Scary, right? But then we are also given those Divine moments, when we absolutely know without doubt that we are connected to All through God/Source within us. In that way, when I say: “Golden Light around me and White Light in front of me,” I’m asking for guidance and protection in my Life. This then brings me Harmony, Peace and Love in all I do. But, because I also ask to be given: “My Best and Highest Good, and the Highest Good for All,” others around me are benefitting from the overflow.  It helps to remind myself that nothing is impossible, and a way will always be shown to me – us.

Most of us have heard Ghandi’s quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Well, everyday is a new day, so if you want see it changed, You have to start with You. You have to be willing to see everything and everyone around you with new eyes, and an open heart. Begin with how you judge other people – my bad habit. Is that judgment from knowledge and experience with that person, or are you using old beliefs – your own or others – that you still hold, whether true or not? Sure, everyone has a right to their opinion, but why would You make it yours, if you haven’t put any thought or experience into it? To the extreme, that is brainwashing, and clever, devious people know how to control you into their thinking/believing. To paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars, ‘weak brains are easily influenced.’ Be an independent thinker, choosing your source of information carefully, and often it is best to only share it when asked.

Gandhi also once said that ‘work does not destroy the body, only worry does.’ The truth behind worry is that it is actually fear. Usually fear of the unknown, but still fear. The future, or the unknown is not ours to worry about or try to control. Have faith that it is all for your ‘highest good’ and let it unfold, being open to be guided to whatever life has in store for you. And, remember to never let doubt keep you from enjoying life. It is all, always your choices that make it so in your life.