Human That You Are

Most of us do not Learn to know and love our energy field, keeping it positive even when surrounded by downers. This knowing gives you an understanding of what you’re creating in your personal reality. Keep it positive or get rid of it. Remove yourself from the negatives (people or things) as quickly as possible – even relatives. And, if you find any of these negatives are coming from you, then you need to acknowledge them in order to begin the process of releasing, and clearing them out. Never forget the most powerful ‘enemy’ can be the one within, that you have not let go of from your past. Keeping Self-Sabotage at bay is a constant job for us all simply because we are human, not weak individuals, but just human. Nothing hurts you as much as your own negative thinking. If you are truly unhappy, only you can change that. Real happiness comes from the inside, not the stuff or people outside of you. Step out of your rut, and create a better life. You don’t usually need to search far for true answers.

Part of this may be acknowledging and forgiving yourself for the damage you’ve done to yourself and others. This is a good lesson to learn in humility, and probably needed, painful though it will be to work through. With this comes the realization of the truth, that forgiveness is easier than the consequences of holding onto old beliefs that no longer work. Here’s a surprise: when you realize that your anger is more about your own past lives on Earth, than about those in power doing wrong or harm to you and others. For lack of a better analogy, think of it all as a Scavenger Hunt. You are uncovering pieces of yourSelf that you did not expect to find – including – wait for it: You having played a similar ‘bad guy’ role many times in your past lives. Think about where your rage at those others of today’s behavior is enmeshed. Is it merely shame of your past behavior? Now that you’ve ‘found’ God/Source, are you playing missionary, rescuer or survivor? Most ‘reformers,’ no matter what their curse or addiction, want to warn or save others from it. Good luck on that, as we’re human, and we usually need to learn on our own.

You might say that it is the same us wanting to be human-Angels. Yes, I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but us humans when acting like Angels – doing good for others and ourselves, are still human. Not to deny us our wings, but we’re the ones that are going to make the changes in this world – save the Earth and each other. We might pray, talk and request to our Angels, but it still comes down to us doing the work. Us, as in the humans, who make mistakes and regularly slip off the wagon of being Angels. Which is totally OK, with God/Source, the Universe and the real Angels. They expect imperfection from us humans, so there is no need to suffer or be stoic about going without your favorite wine, or chocolate or escape book/movie. They all recognize that the job here is not easy, and takes constant vigilance regarding ourselves and others mucking it all up. Yet, we all know the rules of Freewill, you can call on them (Angels) and ask for assistance, but they do not volunteer or do the work for you. It’s your experience, trip, journey or whatever here. Empower yourSelf to make the best of it. And, that is all any human can do.