Cleaning of the Mind for the Body

With all of these powerful energy elements encircling us, even temporarily your mind can feel really messed up. Or, sometimes it’s a situation or person that sets of resentments, judgements and criticism of others or yourself. For most of us, it usually doesn’t take long for these negative thoughts to show up in our body. As I’ve said before, negative thoughts and words – even in jest, attract negative actions and emotions. Then some people add to this by inserting problems with suggestive questions – does my tummy hurt, do I have a headache, etc. The mind can be as much of a healing or hurting force as the heart, especially if your are in need of attention. What better way that to tell others of your pain?!? But you also have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with, and appreciation of this very powerful part of your being.

Healing is an on-going process of adjustment / recalibration, of detoxifying / nourishing, and of exploration / discovery. Healing can happen in every moment as our bodies, minds and spirits work together to keep us open and resonant with the positive life force which fuels us every day. It reminds us that healing is a natural part of life. It is something we can do for ourselves, and even send healing light / thoughts to another. It is merely allowing in the state of grace, to which every cell yearns to accept. Your role is simply to ask for it, and then step out of the way.

Einstein once remarked that significant problems cannot be solved at the same level of thinking which created them. Only by rising to a higher or deeper level can an ultimate solution to psychological problems be found. Our lives may be determined less by past events than by the way we remember them. Memory can be either disabling or enabling. Most importantly is how you choose to remember something as a victim or not. It’s your attitude in any circumstance, to decide how you remember, and maybe repeat the incident. What we think or imagine in fact is our reality, or how ‘we write’ our story. And, of course, if you hang on to the negative, it will not heal. The more you talk about, or even just keep remembering something or someone in a negative way, the more it is feed negative energy and occupies your mind and heart. As said before, this negative poisons your life, and keeps more negative beings attracted to you.

It is not easy, but using those negative experiences or even encounters can be our fodder to grow and change – release and let go of negative people and situations. So many people hang onto their ‘badges’ of pain, rather than learning to make sure that they do not repeat them, by placing themselves in similar situations with similar negative people. If your family or life situation is filled with negatives, you must make the self-preservation choice to remove or distance yourself from it. Don’t forget you pass these negatives on to your children if they continue to see you involved or participating in them. Any protective walls you may have put around you, can also keep others you may want to love from being close to you. We all have those little defensives that we’ve created that can continue to create self-sabotage in our changing lives. Think about it!

What walls have you created to deal with past hurts that may be keeping positive people and experiences out of your life? Let go of your past stories, so you have the space in your heart and mind to create new positive ones. Sometimes making that small shift in your perspective at looking at something or someone, can help you gain insight about being stalled in your life and  moving forward into a new life. As my friend Gloria taught me, “God loves you, and I’m working on it!” Or, a step in the right direction of releasing yourself from negative influences. Now that’s Empowerment!