Writing for Your Life

To paraphrase Alice Walker, ‘If everyone wrote every day, they would be so much healthier.’

Creativity comes in many forms, as I believe it is the Soul expressing Itself. When you allow this, as in ‘letting your Light shine,’ your life moves forward. This creative Spirit, which I’ve shown my Memoir Writing students, is a ‘gift from Spirit,’ bestowed when you are open to it. This openness has discernment, offering an opportunity of potential power to share your life in some way. Anyone, who gives themselves permission, can sit down in a quiet place and allow their ‘Higher Self’ to write words that contain greater wisdom than any currently in their conscious minds. Try it and see, as you will be quite pleasantly surprised what all you have tucked away. Granted, some of it may be from a previous life – hence the need for the permission to release it to you now. This involves moving present Self into role-playing, or ‘Acting as if,’ or acknowledging that you truly are capable of such writings, and then doing so.

You can use this for any writing you want – focused or open to whatever flows to you. Another example of “Yes, You Can!” Oh, the power of a heart-driven mind! Writing about life’s magic, reminds us how amazing it has flowed, as well how many impossible things can become possible with a little extra effort, or simply approached from a different way. Writing also helps you to find balance in your life. I look to Nature, as it knows all about timing and exists accordingly, in a state of balance with vitality. You are also a force of nature, so must learn to find your balance to become fully vital in all you do.

I could fill a book with examples of where I have been wrong, or at least limited in my thinking about people, places, and all kinds of other things. Even after I learned to followed my intuitive Higher Self, and was even rewarded for it, I still have allowed my controlling ego to push my decision-making! I constantly have to remind mySelf to practice what I preach. I know many of these wrong decisions come from some unhappy past experience of allowing someone to control me. I frequently have to remind myself to release, let go and trust in Divine Right Order in My Life for my Best and Highest Good, and the Highest Good of All.

Just recognizing that you are a multi-faceted being is a reward of worth. Don’t worry about how highly polished you are, as you’re reflecting light out to others. Each unique part of the whole You, whether rough or polished, plays the many different roles in your life. Your emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological parts intertwine feelings, behaviors and actions. No wonder we are all stressed sometimes, and I personally asked: “Will the Real Alice Please speak up here?” Deep breathe and don’t lose yourSelf. That real you is behind each facet, role or mask that you may have to put on in your daily life. Your breathing can ground you quicker than anything else, if you have connected it to your Higher-Self/Intuition asking for guidance and directions. This is empowerment, as it re-vitalizes you to keep going on, and knowing each step is taking you the way you want/need to go for Divine Right Order in Your Life. Spiritual Self-Discovery is that moment when you learn, and realize who you can become.