Ongoing Journey

I have said it several times before, a powerful lesson you need to learn is that you are not responsible for another’s joy or pain, their learning or their healing, and they are not responsible for yours. Yes, we are all on a shared human journey, but we each have an individual path within it which we follow in own way. No single path or person is more important, and no one needs or should follow ours, as they each have their own path to create and follow. Your opportunity, not obligation, for humanity is to be in your truth, sharing your energy, experiences and your light by example. If they can resonate with your healing – learning it becomes a potential for themselves – their growth, as in learning from your mistakes.Your shinning light exudes your energy, as they see your joy, and living the fulfilling life that you have created for yourself. This is your empowerment and example for others to create – experience. Everyone has within them that spark of Divine Source, and equally powerful to become empowered. The force of your being, can light a path so others may choose it to experience joy and fulfillment.

Every life is an ongoing journey of positive growth, even if there are moments in it you seem unhappy, stuck, bored, depressed, hopeless, or helpless. Just remember to stop, deep breathe and say thank you for the unlimited love that is available to you from God/Source. You can do this, You can take the next step, then next until you’ve released and let go of whatever it was that had tripped you up, or let you down. Forbearance is patience, and endurance which we sometimes need to pull from to allow-accept the unconditional love to flow over us when life simply wears us down. Self-care is NOT the same as self-indulgence, and we sometimes need to do just that. Be kind and good to yourSelf. When we react to sudden chaos/or negative changes in our life, it takes time to get a grip on the situation and breathe deeply to get back in touch with our more positive, responsive side. If you can accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual growth, the negativity will disappear. Try also to see the love hidden in the message, so you don’t miss out on it.

Never forget that Time is truly circular, not linear. So take those moments to deeply see what all is involved and what it is telling you. It is the cycle, when you experience something difficult, you will repeat it until you find that golden key. The key is to first find the joy in wherever you are now, and live in that moment. When you are able to change your perception of it and find that one glimmer of hope, then use it. You must search for that one aspect that you can only reach by placing yourself in this difficult position. You must find another way of looking upon it, so open your eyes and focus. It means changing your thought patterns, changing the way you think and expect something different. Know your doubts/fears, acknowledge them and then break them down, as to where they came from and why they are not true any longer about you. If you do not take the steps to release and let them go, they will thwart your every action, or can totally destroy you. Clearing out your doubts/fears means that your life – your mind will be free of indecision, uncertainty and confusion. Now that’s empowerment!