Importance of Self-Love

An open mind to change is an opportunity to release the past. This is not denial, but a radical commitment to healing, which makes all things new, totally – completely. This is an act of Self-love within us to release those last old beliefs, and let them fall away – crumble into stardust or be absolved by the White Light. Of course, like any big step of change, letting go of those beliefs that have shaped and defined us for so long is not easy. And when or why? You must have reached a point of Self-Love to do so. Trust your Higher Self when you can say & mean it that you love yourself unconditionally. Then you know intuitively that the time has come to break free of those old patterns and thoughts, to embrace the new.

This unique and complex life is still who we are, and what weaves us individually, as well together, linking all one to another. You might want to think about this a moment with a rather deep breath. Do you, or have you ever truly felt this power, or allowed the energy of your connection to affect you? A realization like this can be very scary, and you may instantly tune out your attachment with the Universe. Never feel somehow ‘less than’ in life for any reason, as we are all different in pertinent ways. Each of us adds something uniquely ‘me’ to the mix.

Just as the importance of the space in between each note, our humanness becomes the commonality that binds us all together. Though you may not always see it, there is an equality of the love that unites us. Never forget that the inner changes within us do not come from external sources, only from within our hearts. Only when we open up to our inner true heart nature, can we allow those outdated beliefs to fall away with love – no regrets, no anger, no fear. With the release, we can embrace our true sense of connection to the Universe, with our place clearly accepted by us and all. You may want to think that Self-Love is the magic, intuitive sense within us all. The freedom of your actions certainly do feel as if the burden has been magically lifted.

Self-Love is as simple as giving loving kindness to your Self – no stoicism, no self-sabotage, no- nothing negative that has been hanging over you. You draw that creative, energetic force of love to you through your top chakra, and channel it down through you from top to bottom – inside, outside and all around you as Grace. Feel God’s smile crossing your face, bringing warmth, joy and happiness to every inch of you. You are filled to overflowing with God’s limitless love – how can you Not love yourself?

Now, it is easier to take time to take care of yourself a little better, simple acts of love and kindness for you. You are naturally becoming aligned within your mind, body, heart, and soul. Now being genuinely loving, and you are finally accepting being loved by others. The goodness of Life has been given to you abundantly:  another day to live, love, laugh and create your life -your way. Focus as you see yourself putting love into all you do … no matter what it is. We no longer need those outside things to be happy, yet everything we truly desire comes our way. There are no fears when we have love flowing through us. Now that’s empowerment!