More Visualizing

One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what, or who you can’t change. This is all about ‘attachments’ or holding on to things no longer of importance, or just being stubborn and wanting things or people to be more like you, or the way you want them. Wrong-O! Ain’t gonna happen, and you will not be a happy camper – Ever! Releasing attachments or expectations of a certain result is required to be keep what you do want freely flowing to you. Any control on your part puts limitations or restrictions on the request. If you are going to ask Source for something, you MUST surrender, and release your need to being the one in control of the results. If you think you can do it alone, then do so; or if you think you can do it better, then do so! But if you are going to Ask for Divine Will or Divine Guidance, then don’t give Source the directions You want taken.

Go back to what you want and visualize details, but also be open with a positive attitude that Source will always bring you what is best for your Highest Good. That positive attitude means that You do have faith and trust, or you wouldn’t be asking Source to bring it forth, or in turning it all over to Source. With any questioning or negative attitude, you are putting up roadblocks, walls or even speed bumps that will slow down, or restrict the flow of all of the positive energies of joy – peace to be brought forth. Check and ask your Higher Self – Intuition to make sure that the positive vibrational energy coming into you is free and clear, so it is flowing through and around you. Your attitude deep down needs to be checked, and must be open and positive.

I personally have these problems, and have to remind myself also. To be in the flow, I must allow the flow to be, not interfering or controlling – let it Be-let it go. I have truly seen things shift in my life as I release my control. I know that what Source is bringing, is for my highest good and will guide me on my path for the highest good of all. For me, it’s usually when I experience something that I don’t want, that I get clarity on what I really do want.

You must believe that you are truly moving toward your heart’s desires. And, You must believe that you are in synchronistic flow for those desires to come to you. Positive Attitude – Balance – Patience – Timing – synchronicity. Then, if you didn’t get what you wanted within the time frame expected, let it go for now. Keep that Positive Attitude, and be happy to know it will come when it is best for you to come. Let go of any worries or anxiety. Always be grateful for what has been given to you, even when it is not as much or quite what you thought you wanted.

Visualization is the act of focusing our consciousness into an act of creation. Consciousness creates all we have, all the power we need to create all the changes we choose. So know that the focus of your awareness – thoughts, words or action – becomes the reality of your world. Keep it Positive or get rid of it! Deeply Feeling your goal accomplished with gratitude, and appreciation is key. These are positive feelings must be created without ego or judgment. This is believing ‘as if’ you already know 100% that your request is deserved and coming forth. If you have any hesitations on this, you need to do whatever to convince yourself. There can be no doubts, so remind yourself that You are a child of God, Loved unconditionally. Ask for guidance and direction as to what you need to know and do! BE open to Empowerment.